Monday, December 14, 2009

Why Ismy Mouth Inside Color White Why Does My Jaw Or Mouth Keep Cracking?

Why does my jaw or mouth keep cracking? - why ismy mouth inside color white

crack for yesterday, mouth or jaw. idk if the jaw ismy not yet, but their N before my ears just udner if I close my mouth n bite the side of my teeth always cracks, and I can for 10-times available. what happened? I stayed for about 18 hours last night, so that it could be the cause?


fairy said...

Wisdom teeth start coming through, or go through my more than half, but not exactly match that sweep outward, instead Doward REAST my teeth, jaw and cracked It was a lot of pressure caused by the teeth when there is simply not enough space is 5 years old and I think they have now stopped halfway

or have to do maximum stay of 18 hours, perhaps something with it, was that the drugs his image gurning night, the premium is certainly one of the causes of temporomandibular Clicky

lrd00a said...

ATM, see your dentist, here are some things you do self-care are:

Moist heat: moist heat of a hot water bottle or a hot water bottle wrapped improve in a warm, damp cloth to function and reduce pain. Be careful not to burn yourself when you heat.

Ice: Ice packs can reduce inflammation and relieve pain and promote healing. Place an ice pack directly on the skin. Keep the package in a clean cloth wrapped while you are using. Do not use a bag of ice for more than 10 to 15 minutes.

Soft Diet: Soft or blended foods allow the jaw to rest temporarily. Think you can avoid it, too, hard, crunchy and soft. They do not stretch to accommodate the mouth to the ear of wheat or whole fruits.

Analgesics OTC: Over-the-counter painkillers are in reducing the pain temporarily helpful. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking drugs for a long time, as indicated on the label.

Jaw exercises: Slow, exercises of the soft jaws can afford to increased mobility of the mandible. Your doctor or healthA physiotherapist can assess your condition and offers exercises that best fit their individual needs.

Relaxation techniques: Relaxation and guided imagery may be useful with the pain that accompanies the ATM address. Deep breathing and relaxation to slow growth and modulates pain sensations.

Here is the location of the ATM --

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